Person in a mask and gloves attempting to pick a door lock with a screwdriver.

Theft and Burglary Defense Attorney in Denver, CO

Theft and Burglary Defense Attorney in Denver, CO

Theft, burglary, robbery, and identity theft are serious criminal offenses that can result in the loss of your reputation, career, and even your personal freedom. Property crimes are aggressively prosecuted in the Denver metro area, and facing these charges without experienced legal representation can have life-altering consequences.

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

Criminal charges related to theft and burglary can be classified as felony, misdemeanor, or municipal offenses. Whether it’s burglary, theft, embezzlement, identity theft, or robbery, the penalties for these crimes are severe and can impact every aspect of your life. A conviction could lead to:

  • Loss of liberty (jail or prison time)
  • Loss of employment (current and future)
  • Damage to your reputation (affecting personal and professional relationships)

At McKinstry Law Firm, we have a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes in theft, burglary, and property crime cases. Patrick McKinstry is dedicated to protecting your constitutional rights and minimizing the burdens you face throughout the legal process.

A person in a ski mask and gloves is breaking into a room through a window, holding a crowbar.

Aggressive Defense for Theft and Burglary Charges

Aggressive Defense for Theft and Burglary Charges

The first line of defense in many property crime cases is the filing of motions to suppress evidence. If law enforcement mishandled evidence—whether it was improperly seized, stored, or handled—Mr. McKinstry will fight to exclude that evidence. When successful, this can result in the dismissal of all charges.

In many cases, an aggressive and experienced attorney can expose weaknesses in the prosecution's case. If police or prosecuting attorneys violated your rights during the investigation or evidence collection process, Mr. McKinstry will challenge the integrity of the evidence, potentially leading to a dismissal of charges.

Contact Us Today

Contact Us Today

If you are facing burglary, theft, or identity theft charges, don’t wait to seek legal help. Contact McKinstry Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation in the Denver metro area.

With years of experience in defending property crime cases, Patrick McKinstry is prepared to fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Don’t face these charges alone—get the legal support you need today.

A person in dark clothing and a balaclava holds a red crowbar facing the camera, suggesting an act of force or entry.