Experienced Municipal & Traffic Violations Defense Attorney in Denver, CO

Experienced Municipal & Traffic Violations Defense Attorney in Denver, CO

Don’t face municipal or traffic charges alone. Whether you're dealing with a traffic violation or a municipal ordinance offense, you need an experienced, aggressive attorney to protect your rights and your future.

McKinstry Law Firm specializes in defending individuals charged with a wide range of municipal and traffic violations in Colorado. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

In Colorado, many cities and towns have their own rules and regulations. These municipal ordinances cover a wide range of offenses, including:

  • Assault
  • Theft
  • Solicitation for prostitution
  • Weapons violations
  • Threats
  • Domestic violence

While municipal offenses might seem less serious than state charges, they can carry severe consequences, including fines, jail time, and long-lasting damage to your reputation.

Domestic violence cases in municipal court can carry penalties similar to those in state court, so defending your case is just as crucial. You need a defense attorney who is familiar with the municipal legal system and can challenge the prosecution's evidence to help minimize the consequences.

Why You Need an Experienced Municipal Defense Lawyer

Why You Need an Experienced Municipal Defense Lawyer

Don’t underestimate the seriousness of municipal charges. Even if it’s considered a "minor" case, many municipal violations come with hefty fines and potential jail time. Domestic violence cases in municipal courts are especially critical, and you must protect your rights as vigorously as you would in state court.

Traffic violations also often fall under municipal jurisdiction, and it’s risky to handle them on your own. If you’re a commercial driver, even a minor traffic violation could put your career in jeopardy. If you were involved in an accident, the stakes are even higher, as restitution claims and potential civil penalties could follow.

An attorney experienced in municipal and traffic cases can help mitigate these risks, particularly in cases where your driving privileges or career are on the line.

Defense for Traffic Violations and Municipal Ordinance Offenses

Defense for Traffic Violations and Municipal Ordinance Offenses

McKinstry Law Firm has extensive experience defending clients against a variety of municipal and traffic offenses. Mr. McKinstry has litigated nearly 100 municipal cases in Colorado, including:

  • Traffic Violations
  • Domestic Violence
  • Threats
  • Harassment
  • Assault Charges

He understands the complexities of these cases and knows how to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution to secure the best possible outcome for his clients.

A hand places a parking violation ticket under a car's windshield wiper.

Contact Us Today

Contact Us Today

If you are facing municipal or traffic violations in the Denver metro area, don’t wait. Contact McKinstry Law Firm today for a free and confidential consultation. Let us help you defend your rights and protect your future.