Dimly lit room with a lamp, a wallet, and a phone on a table. A shadowy figure stands in the background, holding a bag.

Juvenile Offenses: Felony, Misdemeanor, and Municipal Defense

Juvenile Offenses: Felony, Misdemeanor, and Municipal Defense

Patrick McKinstry is a respected Colorado juvenile criminal defense attorney, with a proven track record of successful outcomes in juvenile delinquency cases. If your child is facing criminal charges, contact McKinstry Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation.

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

Schedule a Free and Confidential Consultation

In Colorado, juveniles can face many of the same criminal charges as adults, but the juvenile justice system is designed to treat them differently. While the focus is often on rehabilitation, serious charges can still result in severe consequences, including incarceration in a state facility.

If your son or daughter is facing juvenile felony, misdemeanor, or municipal charges, it’s crucial to seek legal assistance from a juvenile defense attorney who understands the complexities of the juvenile justice system. Juveniles are entitled to the same presumption of innocence and due process as adults, and the prosecution must meet the same high standards of proof to secure a conviction.

Aggressive Defense for Your Child’s Future

Aggressive Defense for Your Child’s Future

The scientific and medical communities recognize that adolescent brains are still developing, making young people more prone to impulsive and reckless behavior. However, a single lapse in judgment should not derail a child’s future.

An experienced juvenile defense attorney can often work with the prosecution to negotiate a favorable outcome that prioritizes rehabilitation over punitive measures. But if the case goes to trial, it’s essential to have an attorney who is skilled in juvenile delinquency cases and understands how to challenge evidence and expose weaknesses in the prosecution’s case.

Patrick McKinstry has extensive experience handling juvenile felonies and misdemeanors in Colorado state courts. He knows how to advocate for the best possible outcome for your child and will fight aggressively to protect their future.

Get a Free Review of Your Case Today

Get a Free Review of Your Case Today

If your child is facing juvenile delinquency charges in the Denver metro area, contact McKinstry Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation. Mr. McKinstry’s expertise can make a difference in the outcome of your child’s case, providing you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have strong legal representation.

A young man stands against a height chart holding a police identification board.